I've decided to join the future and start a blog. So this is it- my real live blog, allowing people to follow my life and work.
I'll start with a quick recap of life since Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)...I graduated in May of 2008, wearing a sparkly, midriff, watermelon cap and gown to my commencement ceremony :) I packed up my life, shipped everything home to AZ and then took off to Europe with my family, to do a bike ride from Prague to Vienna.
Shortly after returning from that I went to South America for four months, with my two best friends from highschool. We lived in Ecuador for 3 months, where we spent time volunteering and traveling throughout the country. Then we spent a month traveling Peru, taking busses from the northern coast to the southern mountains. For a detailed recap of these four months visit my friend's travel blog:
A blue footed boobie!! You never told me you saw a blue footed boobie. xoxoxo, Mom